Please login to your student account or fill in the form below to create a new one before continuing.

Create a Student Account

Please fill out the following to create a student account. All contact information provided below can be updated at a later date by logging in and going to your profile information.

Important: If you have already been through the interview process for MECOP at least once, you do not need to fill out this form (you already have an account). To login, please use the email you provided during the application process.

Login to existing account

Basic Information

This will be used on some pages that display your name. If you would prefer that gender pronouns not be displayed on your account, leave this field blank and it will automatically be omitted.

This address will be used for all program related communications as well as your primary email for logging in and account recovery.
This address will only be used for account recovery, and as an alternative login email in the event you lose access to your primary email account.
This will only be used for program related correspondence.

Current Mailing Address

Emergency Contact

Background Information

Notice: Providing the following information is optional and based on your self-identification. If you choose to participate, please answer both questions by checking the appropriate box or boxes. MECOP, Inc. may use this data to compile internal reports, and aggregate data and analysis may be shared with MECOP, Inc. Members. All reports generated will be anonymous and strictly used for statistical analysis. The ethnicity and race data you choose to provide will be used only in accordance with applicable laws, executive orders, and government regulations. In accordance with its policies, MECOP, Inc. does not discriminate or permit harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, or any other legally protected status.

Set a Password

Password must meet the following requirements:
  1. At least 8 characters long
  2. Contains at least 2 of the following character types:
    • Uppercase letters
    • Lowercase letters
    • Numbers
    • Special characters (e.g., !@#$%^&*();:<>?{}[]|.,\/)
